Champions of Care

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Building healthy communities with the New Orleans Pelicans

AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana is proud to partner with the New Orleans Pelicans to raise awareness about key health issues and encourage our members to maintain healthy lifestyles.

Care Crew Volunteers

Together, we are working to raise awareness, provide health education, and tackle key health issues and disparities impacting our communities.

Visit this page regularly for information on upcoming community events. Consider following the fun on Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin.

See some of our partnership highlights below!

NBA Fit Week

Care Crew VolunteersEvery year, we celebrate NBA Fit Week with the New Orleans Pelicans. We work together to share practical tips on nutrition, exercise, mental health, and overall well-being.

For Mental Health Awareness Month, we feature a “Mental Health Monday” series to draw extra attention to specific topics and challenges concerning mental health.

Like the Pelicans, we want to help ensure residents across Louisiana have the information they need to live happy and healthy lives. Access some of our latest health education videos here.

Youth outreach and engagement

At AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana, we are committed to promoting health and wellness for our youth. These young men and women are the future of our state! If we want to keep them healthy and strong, we must stress the importance of physical activity. To do this, we engage in a variety of different youth-focused events and programs with the New Orleans Pelicans.

Strengthening our communities through service

At AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana, we know that care means so much more than the four walls of the doctor’s office. Care also means engaging in grassroots initiatives and activities that help our communities tackle challenges associated with social determinants of health. From addressing issues like food inaccessibility to supporting environmental stewardship, together with the Pelicans, we’re working to care for our communities through service.

It's also important that no one gets left behind! For this reason, we prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives that help to ensure every member of our community has access to opportunities that help them to live a healthy and happy life.

Pelicans, AmeriHealth Caritas volunteer to help recycle paint for The Green Project

AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana at Second Harvest food packing even Saints & AmeriHealth Caritas participate in Rebuilding Together New Orleans

ACLA Service Event