
Implementation of State Directed Payments

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has approved Louisiana’s submission of a State Directed Payment request to utilize funding from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 to incentivize evidence-based practitioners (EBP) and licensed mental health professionals (LMHPs)/psychiatrists who meet state criteria under Medicaid managed care plan contracts.

Louisiana will use funding in part to incentivize specific evidence-based practice providers and LMHPs/psychiatrists who provide services in home and community-based settings. Funding is available from July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024, or until the funds are exhausted.

View the State Directed Payments Invoice template (XLSX).

View the American Rescue Plan Act 2021(ARPA) Training Question and Answer (PDF).

Mental Health Rehabilitation (MHR) Redesign

View the AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana MHR Redesign Presentation (PDF).

Integrated TeleECHO™ Clinic

AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana is excited to launch TeleECHO clinics — an emerging case-based learning model for practitioners. This opportunity is free for participating AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana practitioners. Please read on for more information and register to join an ECHO model™ clinic.

What’s the goal of this program?

The AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana TeleECHO program exists to:

  • Disseminate specialty knowledge, with consideration of social and environmental factors through case-based learning.
  • Collaborative education and sharing of information for integration of primary and behavioral health care.
  • Increase collaboration and coordination of services across providers (medical and behavioral health).
  • Identify barriers providers experience in referring members to treatment.
  • Incorporate opportunities for networking between physical health providers, behavioral health providers, and substance use treatment providers.

For additional details and to register for the program, please view the Integrated TeleECHO flyer (PDF).

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) Cultural Competency 

AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana understands how important trust and a positive relationship between a patient and their healthcare provider can be to reducing barriers to care. For members of the LGBTQ community, encountering discrimination and social stigma increase the risk of poorer physical and mental health outcomes.

With an aim to increase sensitivity, awareness, knowledge and help decrease potential disparities for the LGBTQ community, ongoing training will be offered on this page. Please check often for updated information and trainings.

View our cultural competency provider training.

ASAM 6 Dimension Criteria Training

AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana is facilitating an American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) 6 Dimension Criteria training** at no cost for psychiatrists, psychologists, advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) who are clinical nurse specialists in psychiatry or nurse practitioners (NPs) certified in psychiatry or mental health nursing, licensed professional counselors (LPCs), and licensed clinical social workers (LCSWs).

        • Define ASAM Terminology.
        • Review the ASAM Levels of Care.
        • Explain the ASAM Multidimensional Assessment.
        • Demonstrate how to use the ASAM Assessment in addressing a member's identified needs.

Upcoming AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana ASAM 6 Dimension Criteria Training dates and registration links are listed in the table.

Day Date Time Registration link


March 12, 2025

9 a.m. to noon

March registration


June 4, 2025 9 a.m. to noon June registration


September 10, 2025 9 a.m. to noon September registration


December 17, 2025 9 a.m. to noon December registration

Registration is required.
  Please register in advance for your desired training date.

**No continuing education credits (CEUs) will be given for this training. AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana will provide Certificates of Attendance to verify completion of the training which attendees may submit to their licensing board for post-approval consideration.

Additional resources:

Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) Training

AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana is facilitating a Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) training** for physical health providers. The goal of this training course is to help participants develop their knowledge, skills, and abilities as SBIRT practitioners.

      • Identify SBIRT as a system change initiative.
      • Compare and contrast the current system with SBIRT.
      • Introduce the public health approach.
      • Discuss the need to change how we think about substance use behaviors, problems, and interventions.
      • Understand the information that screening does and does not provide.
Date and time Registration link

Thursday, March 13, 2025

March registration

Thursday, June 5, 2025

June registration

Thursday, September 11, 2025

September registration

Thursday, December 18, 2025

December registration

**No continuing education credits (CEUs) will be given for this training. AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana will provide Certificates of Attendance to verify completion of the training for attendees to submit to their licensing board for post-approval consideration

Additional resources:

Treatment Planning, Clinical Documentation, and ROI Training

AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana is facilitating a Treatment Planning, Clinical Documentation, Release of Information (ROI), Informed Consent, and Member Rights/Responsibilities (PDF) training at no cost for psychiatrists, psychologists, advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) who are clinical nurse specialists in psychiatry or nurse practitioners (NPs) certified in psychiatry or mental health nursing, LPCs, and LCSWs.

  • Identify the components of a treatment plan.
  • Explain what SMART Objectives are and apply the concept when writing treatment plans.
  • Identify the components of clinical documentation.
  • To be able to identify the elements of an authorization for release of protected health information form.
  • To list the elements of informed consent.
  • To understand the member’s rights and responsibilities.

Registration is required. To register go to Treatment Planning, Clinical Documentation and ROI Training registration.

Top Denials and Tips on How to Resolve Them

In this training we will discuss:

    • The difference between a rejection and a denial
    • Top denial codes and tips on how to resolve them
    • Additional resources
    • Registration is required. To register for any of the available training dates, please go to Top Denials and Tips on How to Resolve Them, click the dropdown icon by the 'Time' header, and select your preferred session date.

Behavioral Health Claims and Billing Training

In this training we will discuss:

  • Louisiana Medicaid Provider Enrollment Rebaseline — IB 24-22
  • NaviNet (AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana’s secure provider portal)
  • Changes to behavioral health coverage
  • Behavioral health services requirements for billing/Specialized behavioral health services fee schedule (SBH_FS)
  • Evidence-based practices
  • Top denials for behavioral health claims
Registration is required. To register for any of the training dates, please go to

Cultural Competency Training for Applied Behavior Analysis 

The managed care organizations (MCOs) have collected data over the years and found that the cultural competency section of the Applied Behavioral Analysis monitoring tool has been the most challenging for providers. To assist providers, the MCOs have collaborated to offer an opportunity for training on this topic. We will offer two one-hour trainings on the following dates and times.

The webinars will take place on:

Day Date Time Registration Link

Registration is required.  Please register in advance for your desired training date.

Cultural Competency Training

AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana is pleased to offer web-based cultural competency training to network providers.

We will discuss:

      • Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services
      • Health equity

The webinars will take place on:

Day Date Time Registration link
Wednesday March 19, 2025 1 p.m. – 2 p.m. March registration link
Wednesday June 18, 2025 1 p.m. – 2 p.m. June registration link
Wednesday September 17, 2025 1 p.m. – 2 p.m. September registration link
Wednesday December 17, 2025 1 p.m. – 2 p.m. December registration link

Registration is required.  Please register in advance for your desired training date.

Behavioral Health Provider Quality Monitoring Tool Training

At the recommendation of Louisiana Department of Health, the six managed care organizations (MCOs) have developed a standardized Provider Quality Monitoring Tool. View a list of dates and times sessions will be offered (PDF).

Training objectives:

  • Identify the general elements of a treatment record.
  • Discuss the specific items to be included in an evaluation/assessment.
  • Review the essential details of a treatment plan.
  • Explore requirements for progress notes.
  • Review expectations for coordination of care.
  • Discuss requirements for medication management.
  • Review the importance of cultural competency.
  • Define the elements of discharge planning.

This is a virtual webinar.

Applied Behavior Analysis Provider Quality Monitoring Tool Training

At the recommendation of Louisiana Department of Health, the six managed care organizations (MCOs) have developed a standardized Provider Quality Monitoring Tool for Applied Behavior Analysis services. View a list of dates and times sessions will be offered (PDF).

Training objectives:

  • Identify the general elements of a treatment record.
  • Review the essential details of a treatment plan.
  • Explore requirements for documentation.
  • Review expectations for coordination of care.
  • Identify member safety requirements.
  • Review adverse incident reporting requirements.
  • Review the importance of cultural competency.
  • Define the elements of discharge planning.

Intellectual and Development Disabilities (IDD) eLearnings

AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana is pleased to offer training on intellectual and developmental disabilities:

Provider Network Monitoring Tool Training

At the recommendation of Louisiana Department of Health, the six Managed Care Organizations (MCOs), have developed an updated and standardized Provider Network Monitoring Tool. This unified approach will ensure elements required from providers are universal among the MCOs. It is vital for providers to be informed of the updates and revisions made in the Provider Network Monitoring Tool.

To ensure this, all MCOs will be offering training sessions based on specific provider types. During the training sessions you will have the opportunity to ask questions about the updates and revisions. Although the training sessions will be offered by different MCOs, the information provided will be applicable to all MCOs. You do not have to be contracted with the hosting MCO to attend the training.

View a list of dates and times sessions will be offered (PDF).

Person-Centered Planning

At the recommendation of Louisiana Department of Health, the six managed care organizations (MCOs) have developed a person-centered planning training. View a list of dates and times sessions will be offered.

View a list of dates and times sessions will be offered (PDF).

Well-Child Visits and Child/Adolescent Immunizations Project ECHO Clinic

AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana, in collaboration with Project ECHO, is excited to launch a continuing education ECHO series — an emerging case-based learning model for practitioners. Participants will receive continuing medical education (CME) credits for physicians and continuing education units (CEU) for nurses through the University of New Mexico (UNM). This opportunity doesn’t cost anything for participating AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana practitioners. The sessions will emphasize improving adherence and outcomes for immunizations and well-child visits. There will be a focus on Childhood Immunization Status (CIS) Combination 10, Immunizations for Adolescents (IMA) Combination 2, and Child and Adolescent Well-Care Visits (WV30, WCV). As information is shared, practitioners develop expertise in new areas of care. This allows our members to get better care from primary care practitioners in AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana they already know and trust, right in their community.


CME Outfitters Cultural Responsiveness Training

Cultivating awareness through ongoing culturally responsive education and training

AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana’s cultural responsiveness training opportunities focus on identity centered care and building the capacity to meet the needs of our culturally and linguistically diverse membership in the communities we serve.

We are excited to share a new training opportunity offered by CME Outfitters, an upskilling platform to offer inclusivity training. Through this training opportunity providers, subcontractors, and their clinical staff can increase awareness, inform, and apply knowledge to practice, discover creative strategies, and build capacity to engage with marginalized communities and those who experience health inequities.

To access the educational activities:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the activity or the Learn More button to read about the activity and to participate.
  3. Review the course description.
  4. Create a free account to participate in the activities. Each account serves as a personalized learning catalogue.
  5. Follow the prompts to complete the education modules.

Continuing Medical Education/Continuing Education credit is available upon completion of the courses – at no cost. CME/CE accreditations include AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM, American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC—nursing), American Academy of Physician Associates (AAPA—physician associates), Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE—pharmacy), American Psychological Association (APA—psychology), American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) Maintenance of Certification (MOC), as well as others.

Online provider education opportunities