Now is the time to act on Medicaid redetermination!
Are you still eligible for Medicaid coverage? Have questions about Medicaid renewals?

Respond to eligibility letters
Healthy Louisiana enrollees need to watch their mail for important letters about keeping their Medicaid coverage.
Louisiana Medicaid sends letters to enrollees for lots of reasons. If you get a letter that says it is time to renew your coverage or Medicaid needs more information, you need to respond before the due date on the letter. If you do not, you could lose coverage.
Your letter will tell you what Medicaid needs from you. The letter will also include an email address, mailing address and fax contact where you can send your information. You can also call the toll-free Medicaid hotline at 1-888-342-6207 for more information, or visit
AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana puts members first
We want to make sure you are able to get the quality care you need. We are committed to providing excellent member services.
If you have any questions, call Member Services at 1-888-756-0004. Our Member Services department is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Urgent care and you
Not all injuries and sicknesses need emergency room visits, but they may still need medical attention. For little to no wait time, you can visit an urgent care center.
Find an in-network urgent care center near you
We're here to support your physical and behavioral health needs
If you think you need behavioral health services, talk to your primary care provider (PCP). That's the best place to start. Tell him or her how you feel. Ask about behavioral health providers who can help you.
Not sure how to access these services? Call Member Services at 1-888-756-0004. Our Member Services department is available 24 hours a day.
If you are having a behavioral health crisis that is not life threatening, call our Mental Health and Substance Use Crisis Hotline at 1-844-211-0971 for help. If your crisis is life threatening or an emergency, call 911.
Learn more about your mental health benefits
AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana would like to know what you think.
Someone may be reaching out to you to answer a satisfaction survey about the health services you get from AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana. Your answers can help make sure you get the best care and service from us.
If you have any questions or want to know more about the survey, please call Member Services at 1-888-756-0004 (TTY 1-866-428-7588), available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
What would you like to do?
- Find a provider
- Read your member handbook
- See your benefits and services
- Louisiana Medicaid Single PDL (PDF)
- Learn about grievances, appeals and State Fair Hearings
Quick contact numbers:
- Member Services: 1-888-756-0004 (TTY 1-866-428-7588)
- Pharmacy Member Services: 1-800-424-1664 (TTY 711)
- Nurse Call Line: 1-888-632-0009
- Mental Health and Substance Crisis Hotline: 1-844-211-0971
Use this hotline if you have feelings of harming yourself or others.