Frequently Asked Questions — EFT

  1. What is EFT?
  2. What are the benefits of EFT?
  3. How do I enroll in EFT?
  4. What information is required to enroll in the EFT program?
  5. What is a “Trading Partner ID” and where do I obtain it?
  6. How do I verify if my enrollment application was accepted or rejected?
  7. Will Change Healthcare make a test deposit to verify my bank information?
  8. After I submit my enrollment form and required validation paperwork, how long does it take Change Healthcare to complete my enrollment?
  9. What key provider identifiers are required to enroll?
  10. I am already enrolled with Change Healthcare for EFT. How do I add/change or delete payers?
  11. I am a large practice with several providers. Do I need to list each individual provider or do I sign up with my group NPI and Tax ID?
  12. My practice has more than 15 practitioners. Will I still be able to sign up for EFT?
  13. Is there a tool to view and print remittance images?
  14. Do I need to notify my bank or financial institution to arrange for EFT?
  15. Will my financial institution charge me for EFT deposits?
  16. What is an ABA routing number?
  17. How do I find the routing number and account number on checks?
  18. My practice has more than one bank account. How will Change Healthcare be able to partially deposit?
  19. How do I change my banking information?
  20. If I sign up for EFT, can I change back to paper checks?
  21. If I sign up for EFT, will I stop receiving paper remits automatically?
  22. Who do I notify if I’m missing an EFT payment or EOB/ERA?
  23. How can I contact Change Healthcare for personal assistance?
  24. What are Change Healthcare’s hours of operations for EFT customer support?

1 — What is EFT?

Electronic funds transfer (EFT) is a method used to transfer funds from one bank account to another bank account, eliminating the use of paper checks. It is widely used because it is more efficient and secure than payment by paper checks.

2 — What are the benefits of EFT?

EFT is a secure way to get paid. It results in funds reaching your bank account faster than paper checks that are sent through the mail and then have to be deposited in the bank.

3 — How do I enroll in EFT?

To receive EFT, you must sign up for EFT through Change Healthcare. To enroll, please fill out the E-Payment Enrollment Authorization Form. Please call 1-866 506-2830 if you need assistance.

If you have multiple NPIs and Provider IDs under one Tax ID, in addition to filling out the E-Payment Enrollment Authorization form, please include a spreadsheet listing all NPIs and Provider IDs per Tax ID.

4 — What information is required to enroll in the EFT program?

  • A completed E-Payment Enrollment Authorization Form.
  • Original signature on all forms (no stamps or e-signatures).
  • Electronic copy of a government-issued ID (i.e., state driver's license, visa, passport, military ID, etc.) with signature on payee legal entity's letterhead.
  • CDAC providers must provide a copy of state CDAC approval in lieu of letterhead.
  • Contact name, address, and phone number of financial institution.
  • Bank authorization letter or voided check.

Any bank account changes will require the bank authorization or voided check for completion of changes as well as confirmation of the last EFT deposit amount with Change Healthcare.

Provider contact information 1 and 2 fields must be completed on page 2 of E-Payment Enrollment Authorization Form so Change Healthcare can reach out to you if they have any questions.

5 — What is a “Trading Partner ID” and where do I obtain it?

This is the Provider ID number assigned to you by the health plan, which may also be called the Legacy ID, PIN ID, or Payee ID. It is located on your most recent remittance advice, and included in your AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana new provider welcome packet. If you are unsure, please contact your AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana account executive or the Provider Services department at 1-888-922-0007.

6 — How do I verify if my enrollment application was accepted or rejected?

You will receive an email confirmation within 15 business days of the submission of your application, letting you know its status. The email will notify you if the application was accepted and next steps to verify your bank test deposit. If it is rejected, the email will include the reason why and next steps to make any corrections. You can also call 1-866-506-2830 to obtain status.

7 — Will Change Healthcare make a test deposit to verify my bank information?

Yes. During processing of your EFT Enrollment form, Change Healthcare will make a test deposit in your designated bank account in an amount between $.01 and $.99 (random) with a reference note of “EFT Enroll." If you do not see a deposit after receiving an email that Change Healthcare has made a deposit, please complete the EFT Test Transaction Resubmission Form.

Once completed, please fax it to 1-615-238-9615 or email it to

8 — After I submit my enrollment form and required validation paperwork, how long does it take Change Healthcare to complete my enrollment?

You will be enrolled approximately 15 business days after all required paperwork has been submitted.

9 — What key provider identifiers are required to enroll?

You must include your Tax ID, NPI, and the AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana Provider ID assigned to you by our plan. If you do not have your AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana Provider ID (Change Healthcare refers to this as a Trading Partner ID), please contact your account executive or call our Provider Services department at 1-888-922-0007.

10 — I am already enrolled with Change Healthcare for EFT. How do I add/change or delete payers?

Please complete the EFT Payer Add/Change/Delete Authorization Form.

11 — I am a large practice with several providers. Do I need to list each individual provider or do I sign up with my group NPI and Tax ID?

Change Healthcare’s EFT enrollment is Tax ID driven. You will need to fill out an enrollment form for each Tax ID. If you have multiple NPIs, and AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana Provider IDs under one Tax ID, please include a spreadsheet listing all NPIs and AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana Provider IDs per Tax ID. If you need assistance, please contact us at 1-866-506-2830.

12 — My practice has more than 15 practitioners. Will I still be able to sign up for EFT?

Yes, Change Healthcare now allows large practices to enroll using the E-Payment Enrollment Authorization Form. Please refer to question 11.

13 — Is there a tool to view and print remittance images?

Yes, you can use Change Healthcare’s Payment Manager (also known as the Claims and Denials Advisor). Payment Manager is a complimentary tool only available to providers who have an active EFT account. It is used to search, view, print, and download remittance images and 835 files. Your Payment Manager username will be sent via e-mail once your EFT enrollment is processed; please call 1-866-506-2830 (option 2) to receive your password. To log in, visit once you receive your credentials.

14 — Do I need to notify my bank or financial institution to arrange for EFT?

No. Once you have completed your enrollment form, Change Healthcare will work with your bank to set up EFT.

15 — Will my financial institution charge me for EFT deposits?

Most banks do not charge for EFT deposits, but you should contact your bank to make sure. Neither Change Healthcare nor AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana will impose any fees for EFT.

16 — What is an ABA routing number?

This is a nine-digit number established by the American Bankers Association with accredited banks and financial institutions.

17 — How do I find the routing number and account number on checks?

Generally, the easiest way to find these numbers is to look at the bottom of a check from your bank. You may also contact your bank or financial institution for this information. See sample check below.

EFT sample check

18 — My practice has more than one bank account. How will Change Healthcare be able to partially deposit?

Change Healthcare is able to differentiate, and can send your payments to different bank accounts. Please contact Change Healthcare at 1-866 506-2830 to speak with a representative if you have additional questions.

19 — How do I change my banking information?

Please fill out the E-Payment Enrollment Authorization Form to be used for bank changes. Please enter current (old) bank information on Page 3 and provide new bank information on page 4. Also, please provide the required validation paperwork (bank authorization letter or voided check) with your enrollment form.

20 — If I sign up for EFT, can I change back to paper checks?

21 — If I sign up for EFT, will I stop receiving paper remits automatically?

Yes. Once you sign up for EFT, your paper remittance advice will stop within 31– 45 days. However, a PDF image of your remit is available via Change Healthcare’s Payment Manager for viewing and printing. This is a free tool for those who sign up for EFT through Change Healthcare. If you have not registered, please refer to question 13 for more information, or contact 1-866-506-2830 for assistance. Your account executive can show you a simple way to link your EFT with your electronic remittance advice.

22 — Who do I notify if I’m missing an EFT payment or EOB/ERA?

Contact Change Healthcare at 1-866-506-2830 or email

The following information is required:

  • Payer name/Payer ID number.
  • Check number/EFT payment number.
  • Payment date.
  • Payment amount.
  • Tax ID# of account holder.

23 — How can I contact Change Healthcare for personal assistance?

For personalized customer service, call 1-866 506-2830.

24 — What are Change Healthcare’s hours of operations for EFT customer support?

8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. CT